General information
General information about Cloudey, billing and payments, etc.
Knowledgebase and documentation for Cloudey web hosting, web development, and enterprise services...
General information about Cloudey and our services.
Where are you based?
Cloudey is officially registered in Estonia, which is part of the European Union. We have a pres...
How long have you been in business?
Cloudey was founded in 2014. We have built a solid foundation for our business and gained a lot o...
Which services do you provide?
We strive to offer a full range of services for small and medium enterprises as well as private c...
Which jurisdiction applies to you? Do you comply with GDPR? Do you comply with DMCA notices?
We are governed by the laws and regulations of both Estonia and the European Union, including the...
Billing and payments
Questions regarding billing, invoices, payments, etc.
Which payment methods do you accept?
We accept payments via credit or debit card, iDeal (NL only), and bank transfer. We never charge...
Do you accept Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies?
We do not accept Bitcoins or any other cryptocurrency as payment for our services.
What is the payment term for invoices?
Our invoices have a Net 14 payment term by default, ie. invoices have to be paid in full within 1...
Why is my invoice not marked as paid?
If you have paid your invoice or think that the invoice should be marked as paid, but you are sti...
Do you have a refund guarantee? How can I get a refund?
Sometimes, things just don't work out. Maybe you decided you don't actually need web hosting righ...
Can I pay on a yearly/annual basis? Which payment terms do you offer?
You can pay for all services on a monthly or yearly basis. Do you offer a discount for paying lo...